16 kuning telur
4 putih telur
200 gr gula halus (aslinya 185 gr)
50 gr maizena (aslinya pake tepung marasquin)
1/2 sdm emulsifier (aslinya 1 sdm)
120 gr terigu kunci
50 gr susu bubuk
175 gr mentega cair (aku ga campur dengan 50 gr margarin)
250 gr mentega kocok hingga pucat (aku tambahkan 3 sdm susu SKM)
- Lelehkan mentega, sisihkan
- Kocok mentega hingga pucat sisihkan
- Kocok semua bahan hingga mengembang/kental, matikan mixer masukan mentega cair. - Masukan mentega kocok dengan cara aduk balik
- Timbang adonan 90 gr, panggang dengan api bawah di loyang 20 x 20 tinggi 7
- Panggang hingga permukaannya agak coklat. teruskan memanggang dengan api bawah hingga 2 lapis. Selanjutnya gunakan api atas.
- Tiap 3 lapis taburi keju parut
- Setelah lapisan paling atas coklat, panggang lagi dengan api bawah sekitar 15 menit. Tutup permukaan kue dengan alu voil kalo perlu.
- Dinginkan lapis legit, siap dipotong2.
A slim belt will get you noticed, and if you have a pair of suede shoes, think about adding a special pair of laces to attract
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This saves you a lot of time if you're a frequent traveler, as it prevents you from having to remove your backpack every time you go through security. With school books, notebooks, computers, video games, cell phones (not to mention snacks and water bottles), all having become "must have" items. Adult comfort - It is all well and good to have your baby comfortable, but if your back carrier is not comfortable then you will not be going far (or you will only be doing it once.
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